Thank you for putting this together! Something else for me to try.

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great article, thanks for the summary

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Thank you for this!!

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Thank you so much for putting this information together. I have one unopened bottle of Omega-3 and one of Omega 3-6-9. The company that produced this lot is mediocre but based in Canada. The gel caps have been sitting in an unopened clear bottle for over a year. I may as well start taking the Omega-3. The ratio is EPA 600 mg to DHA 300 mg. I'm going to start with once a day then increase to twice a day.

It will be interesting to see how you fare with your protocol.

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I'd probably get fresh if I were you...

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Thank you. Hope you improve also!

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Great paper! I am also a pharmacist who strongly believes IPE is an effective treatment for Long COVID. I put together a similar paper that gets more into the chemistry if you are interested


Keep up the great work. We need to get this information out there.

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I’ve subscribed to consumerlabs.com for years, which started by evaluating supplements for ingredients and purity and now also includes cost. In addition, it has an extraordinary library of summaries of every clinical study done on an enormous range of nutrients. It costs may be $5 a month, and if you’re going to take a supplement, I strongly recommend that you check their recommendations, and also the clinical information they have. I routinely find all kinds of fascinating things in it.

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Yep, I've also been subscribing for many years. They don't go into the specific depth that I have gone into but they have some good info.

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thank you, good job, thats what we need.

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Definitely going to check consumerlabs out, thank you!

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This product also looks interesting. Almost pure EPA from UK:


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I'm UK based and am trying that one. So far, so good!

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Thank you for your work! It's helpful to have this info. I started using the PharmEPA supplement (it's easy to obtain I the UK and I think it's a British brand) and the difference in my brain fog is night and day, so I'm hoping the effects will last! I'm only taking 2 capsules daily (1000mg EPA), so I'm happy to update down the line.

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Fantastic information! Regarding your latest Twitter post, summarizing all of the many Long Covid / ME CFS treatments, you might want to consider adding Methylene Blue and Red/Infrared Light Therapy to your list of Mitochondrial enhancer treatments. Methylene Blue has been shown to increase mitochondrial respiration. Red / Infrared light therapy stimulates mitochondria in a variety of ways, and has been shown to increase subcellular melatonin production. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, mopping up ROS that occur during ATP production. See https://www.melatonin-research.net/index.php/MR/article/view/19/213.

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It looks like the formulation of the Thorne Research Super EPA may have changed recently? Their website indicates 425 mg of EPA and 270 mg of DHA per capsule. https://www.thorne.com/products/dp/super-epa

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It's confusing, but they have a Super EPA and a Super EPA Pro. But now I see that one their website it has a different DHA dose than on another website.


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Ohhh I see it now, I totally missed that they have multiple options available. Thank you for pointing this out!

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Can you speak to this brand? Deva Vegan Omega-3 DHA-EPA? (300 mg) see link below

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Interesting re fatty acids.

I have leaky mitochondria membranes (cause unknown, likely burnout/stress, viral load, poor breathing, prolly a combo of all of these) - which are derived from fats - and so am advised to eat 'good fats' to aid repair; oily fish, grass fed meat, nuts, seeds, etc.

As yet I've not looked into supplementing with EFA's, but will ask my clinician now.

Thanks for sharing!

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Just wondering if you have any data, or know where I could find data on the PharmaEPA totox level? I've tried to find it but am coming up short (could well be just missing it too though...)

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So....how did the trial go for you? (Hope you’re doing well. I very much your work.)

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I'm using Metagenics, OMegagenics 1200 EPA. More later.

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