Fascinating piece, thank you. Incredibly useful. This makes me want to stagger using natto, lumbro and aspirin, just to be safer. And I hadn't realised that empty stomach was best either. I'm going to start off with the natto, and increase my dose compared to last time. Thanks again.

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You are very welcome! Good luck!

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Hey Alex, how did this go for you? I reacted very poorly to natto, did you try LK?

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Andrew, if you don't mind saying, what was your reaction to natto? I've been taking natto and lumbro (separately but alternating) for about one week with concerning results -- headachiness/pressure and significant increase in blood pressure.

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Wendy I am so sorry I didn't see this until now. I'll answer in case it's still helpful for you or others.

My reaction to natto was a significant increase in brain fog, and exhaustion. I couldn't think and had to stay in bed.

I then purchased lumbro and opened the capsules and split each capsule into 1/8 the original size, putting that into a gastro resistant capsule bought on Amazon. (A user below named Jakob details the process but he used natto).

Then I took just one of those small doses a day, then two, then three, then upped one of those 3 from 1/8 dose to a 1/4 dose. Slowly slowly titrating up, not going too fast and waiting to stabilise with symptoms for many days before making changes.

Lumbro used in this way has had a major effect for me, allowing me to rarely experience brain fog, and allowing me to walk around a lot more. That's at 3x 1/4 doses spread throughout the day at 8hr intervals, all on an empty stomach. Essential for absorbtion.

Making up the tablets is a pain, but I don't want to repeat the herx experience! Slow and steady.

I hope that helps you or someone else

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Is it possible there might be any benefits to taking nattinokase during the acute phase of infection?

I’ve only heard people talk about it when treating long Covid, but what about as a supplement during initial infection?

Thank you so much!

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I think it's worth a shot, provided you are not taking it with interacting medications (including Paxlovid).

If I were infected, I'd take nattokinase up until the point I got Paxlovid, then stop NK 8 hrs before my first Paxlovid dose, and resume NK upon completion of Paxlovid for 12 weeks minimum. But everyone is different; I can only speak for myself when dealing with such specifics.

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Thank you so much for your important work!

I am 62, living in the Netherlands, had 2 times a mild Covid infection. Should people of my age ask our doctors always for Paxlovid during the initial infection, even if the symptoms are (very) mild?


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I associate long covid with any contact with Covid, including shedding from housemate's shots. My 50/yr wife got two Pfizer jabs three months before she told me (unjabbed). She delayed telling me because three times I emphatically forbade her from taking the shot. I laid down my law and she rebelled. I was not wise; I should have begged her. I was insistent because I was a combat vet and the most pre-combat tedious training I took was mitigation (protection) of battlefield nuclear, biological and chemical particulate weapons. I have a distant son (3 Pfizer jabs), and grandson (2 Pfizer jabs) that I visit about 7 times a year and often with my wife. I get symptomatic being in the same room with them, even now a year later. In Spring 2021 (after my wife was jabbed, I developed a "self-diagnosed" blood clot in my right calf muscle". It was the size of a half-dollar coin. It got noticeably tight and painful when I over exerted myself (mowing, and stair climbing). It never moved and always stayed the same size and calmed down within 15 minutes of no longer mowing. I bought Mercola.com's Lumbrokinase (2,000 FU) and Serrapeptase (20,000 SPU) and followed label instructions. My "half-dollar coin size" tight spot disappeared within about two weeks and has remained so for over a year (and I was not more active since then). I keep taking these daily about 4-5 hours before breakfast because I am ADHD and a 56yr Tobacco-guy, also fond of beer. Just saying--it worked and still works for me. By the way, Dr. Thomas E Levy, MD, JD, published a book called Rapid Virus Recovery that addresses Covid; and he offers a free pdf download of the 320-page book @ https://www.rvr.medfoxpub.com/ When you get to the main page use the Search Icon and type in "Rapid Virus Recovery" that will take you to the download page. Dr. Mercola, OD interviewed him and recommended him. I take about half of Levy's recommendations--the ones most accessible to me. Ivermectin is not available to me. I do follow Levy and Mercola's Nebulization protocol that helps a lot and quickly.

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Hi radar, just wondering is the HP quantity in the nebuliser the same for adults and children?

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Sarah, the HP (H2O2) quantity would be 0.03% right from the bottle. It gets diluted with Normal Saline that is 9.5% ROCK SALT ONLY (not table salt) in distilled (or purified) water. With children I would start at 0.,01% that would be the equivalent of 2 parts Saline to 1 part HP. It can be mixed into a jar in advance. I keep my jar in the frig until the contents get low.

The answer to your question depends upon feedback from your children about what was OK with them, or what was not OK. I started with 0.03% and found it too strong. As best as I can recall, it felt like it was bubbling in my nose and i didn't like it. Dr. Levy reported that he takes 0.03% and likes it fine. A woman patient of Levy reported to him that she could "feel it" in her legs at that concentration, and didn't like it. I set mine at 0.0150% and like it fine. I also liked it fine at 0.0100%, but wondered if it was strong enough. Even normal saline alone is "healthy" for sinuses, throat, esauphagus and the rock salt has a protective healing effect in these areas. When the treatment is over what you end up with is just oxygen and water (two essential needs for the body), nothing else. So the amount is what a child is comfortable with (but also for adults). When I would have a recurring cough I might use the nebulizer 2 - 3 times a day (at the same dose I started with and put into the jar. Only once 3x; twice 2x, and now 1 x (time) works fine for me. I also take Mercola's liposomal sealed capsule Vitamin C (estimated to be near IV (pronounced ivy) @ 85% absorption. Inside the capsul the Vita-C is coated with an oil so it is immediately usable in all organs and tissues, besides blood stream. Regular "chalky" Vitamin C is estimated to be absorbable at between 5% - 35%, with most of it going to the intestines, where it can be helpful also, but too much has caused some people cramps and soft stools. It is not that way with Liposomal Vita-C caps. They are 1,000mg. China and MD's in USA have used 50,000 IUs (international Units--somewhat commensurate with 50,000 milligrams, excepting that MDs may add other ingredients to the IV to ensure that it has the same consistency to regular blood. I mention this because though i prefer Nebulizing for instant results. Within 15 minutes what i abbreviate as "Lipo-C" capsuls can do the same thing that lasts for hours. I've read that smokers use up 250mg of Vita-C per cigarette, so 4 smokes are offset by one Liposomal cap Vita-C at its 95% absorption rate. Non-smokers get most of the Vita-C going to any/all unhealthy places in their body, between nasal/sinus, potential infected teeth roots, scrapes, etc. there can be a lot of places that benefit from quick healing. HP works great with Vita-C. Levy's book 'Rapid Virus Recovery" explains how the immune system use both HP and C to take down viruses even Covid-shot viruses that many kids had to take. Hope this helps.

Mercola/Store also sells an "H2" oral hydrogen product. It dissolves in a 16 oz glass, and while it is bubbling, one is to drink the water that sends the hydrogen all throughout the body. You can read the particulars on his Mercola/Store.com web site. ses.

ine in the frig, and then use a plastic "fluid" type of syringe to suck it from jar into syringe, then squish it out over the center part of the fluid container of the Nebulizer. That is the maximum recommended by Doctors Mercola and Levy.

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you better get onto Mercola's Resveratrol, there ain't nothin' like being frightened into paying through the nose for a few old grape skins and seeds in a capsule!

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My smell was getting better over two weeks on Maraviroc/Statin but got worse slowly after I stopped taking it. Any survey on that combination?

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That's interesting.

The only possible interaction I've surmised is the following:

Maraviroc is a P-gp substrate, whereas NK is a P-gp inhibitor. P-gp is an efflux protein that reduces absorption, so if the P-gp inhibition by NK was strong enough to interact, it would increase the absorption of maraviroc, not decrease it. Based on that, it must be some other unknown interaction.

Which statin were you taking? Prava would likely have little interaction with NK but again...We don't know what we don't know. Not much data on NK pharmacokinetics unfortunately.

So bottom line: I am not sure why that happened. Could be a coincidence. When you stopped the nattokinase, did the sense of smell improve again?

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Long COVID is nothing more than vaccine injury/ side effects

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I have had long covid since 8/21. I had an endometrial ablation and was significantly anemic in 7/21. Ivermectin and LDN have improved my symptoms nearly 40%, but I seem to lapse every now and then regarding difficulty concentrating and fatigue.

I started nattokinase on Friday taking 100 mg twice daily. Then by Saturday night, I started menstrating and have been bleeding heavily with clots. What is the half-life of nattokinase so that I can anticipate going off during my cycle.

Since this is my first week taking it, I can’t state that it is the natto, but I would like to proceed scientificly.

Thank you for your help!

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as I understand it in 8 to 12 hrs after the last pill it is metabolized and "out" of your system. by now(Weds Feb 12, 2025) if you stopped Friday. . . it's likely not in your system any longer.

Next time, if you start up, take half the dose for a day or so and be sure you have no problems, then titrate(move up the dose) upwards till you hit the recommended dose.

Seeing a doctor you trust is good too!

also, go here:


and read about "bleeding" (scroll down a bit)

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Amazing stuff here, thank you. Would you recommend taking Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase together, or just one. And if taking together is okay, is it advisable to take Serrapeptase as well as a third?

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I would also like an answer to this question.

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Thanks for this post!

I took 2000 FU of nattokinase three days in a row and that made me worse. Then I opened the capsule and poured out the powder to make capsules of 500 FU. That was just right. From there I slowly increased all the way up to 8000 FU. Titrating/start-low-go-slow works.

I made a YouTube video showing exactly how I made lower dose capsules, putting it here hopefully it helps people https://youtu.be/dG8m9VexgzY

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Glad you found a way to make it work for you!

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You seem to pretty much write off lumbrokinase... even though most articles I have read indicate it is 30X stronger in fibrolinic activity than nattokinase... do you suspect that all other lumbrokinase brands other than Boluoke are fraudulent or at least significantly weaker? Given the reputation of most of the major lumbrokinase brands, such as Drs Best... that seems unlikely.

Also... is it not true that all lumbrokinase, including Boluoke, is now synthetically produced and is no longer derived from actual earthworms?

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I cannot tell if you still monitor this post as it is now 2 yrs since published. . . but:

-- Regarding the blood viscosity data comparing Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase nearly zero shear rates were used-- one to only 5 reciprocal seconds. Blood flow has been characterized and it is at least 10x higher than that level in blood vessels; much higher in capillaries.

-- if shear rates more like 500 sec-1 were used the data would have shown zero difference in a comparison. Thus, making this data of no value. It seems apparent the researcher or marketing analyst who saw fit to use such low shear rates KNEW this.

-- a better comparison would be more subjective but at least of SOME value. Rouleaux agglomeration image comparison, for example.

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Why is it recommended that Boluoke lumbro not be taken with nattokinase? Typically these enzymes are supposed to fine together, even synergistic.

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Why is it recommended that Boluoke lumbro not be taken with nattokinase? Typically these enzymes are supposed to fine together, even synergistic.

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Can you safely combine Nattokinase with Boluoke (lumbrokinase)?

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Hi, I'm looking for some nattokinase tablets in the UK and I found these, do you think they would be a good choice? https://uk.iherb.com/pr/naturally-vitamins-nattokinase-1500-systemic-enzyme-supplement-120-enteric-coated-tablets/4465. I couldn't seem to find any of the brands you listed available in the uk. Thanks for all the information you have here, it's really helpful! Laura.

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I am skeptical that a large protein can escape being denatured in the gut by low pH, escape being degraded by gut proteases, be absorbed intact from the gut, not be inhibited by endogenous plasma protease inhibitors, fail to generate an immune response, and then exert these effects by breaking down fibrin without, as far as I know, causing clinically-evident bleeding (as seen with tPA). Enzymes and proteins are widely used clinically (tPA, monoclonal antibodies, insulin, etc) and they have to be given parenterally for some or all of those reasons.

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Is the amount of HP used in a nebuliser the same for children as adults?

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